Friday, October 05, 2007

Who in God’s name is Zoellick?

36TH Full Time Programme In Planning & Entrepreneu...

Another Bush crony is on his way to be anointed as WB chief

Belying Rollicking Zoellick!Tony Blair’s expectations, Bush has chosen the 53-year-old Robert Zoellick as the future leader of World Bank (WB). Zoellick, a trusted and loyal Republican, has dutifully represented three US presidents with aplomb in various capacities. He distinguished himself in top appointments both at the Treasury & the State departments. The US conservatives are in no mood to let go a key institution designed to control the Third World, (annually the WB offers $23 billion to poor countries to fight poverty).

“The non-transparent, only one candidate selected by the US President Bush’s leadership selection “process” for this important multilateral institution, is the problem. Hand selecting just one candidate to serve in this crucial post is emblematic of the way Bush views himself – as a monarch and the “decider”, as opposed to as a leader of a democracy in which negotiation and working with others must be paramount.” says Sandy Kraiwtz, Director Communications, Action Aid USA, while talking to B&E.

“Bush’s ‘my way or the highway’ approach to policy making is the root of the problem,” adds Sandy. Perhaps, there is more to this than Bush’s ideology. Much like the other key appointees (Paulson-US Treasury Secretary; Joshua Bolten-Chief of Staff , White House) Zoellick too is a Goldman Sachs executive. This back & forth movement of the key decision-makers from government to industry reinforces the belief that Bush’s decisions (Exxon Mobil pressure on Kyoto agreement or Haliburton’s excesses in Iraq) are certainly influenced by corporations. And this doesn’t augur well for democracy.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2007

IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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